Love Out Loud

Love yourself. Love Others. Love Fitness.

Archive for the month “June, 2013”

6/28/13 Workout…bootylicious

I got my workout from FitMiss today. My booty was sore the minute I stepped away.  The workout calls for 10 rounds, but I thought 5 would be enough for me, just starting back. As I got into it, I thought I would be lucky to get through 3. Baby Boy had different plans. He woke up after I had done two rounds, ate a snack, then passed back out. I got my three rounds in, but it was with a break.  Here’s what’s got my booty on fire today:

45 sec on (of each exercise), 30 sec rest, 3 rounds (or 10, or 5, or 1…no judgement here)

  • burpees
  • squats with a overhead press (use a dumbbell or kettlebell..I used a 10 lbs kettlebell)
  • alternating lunges (add weight for more)
  • squat with a side kick
  • front raises and lateral raises (use dumbbells or a resistance band…I used a resistance band)

Seems easy, and the first round was. Then my legs remembered they were supposed to be out of shape. Bring on the sore, I’m ready!!

Ready to go!

Ready to go!

My writing partner.

My writing partner.


Stay sweaty, my friends!

6/26/13 Workout

I worked out today!! First time in….well, it feels like forever. It felt awesome to feel the burn again. Here’s the upper body workout I did:

  • 3 sets of 30 sec jump rope
  • 10 push-ups
  • 15 high rows with resistance band
  • 15 reverse flys, 8 lbs
  • 15 bicep curls with resistance band
  • 15 hammer curls, 10lbs
  • 10 push-ups
  • 15 lateral shoulder raises with resistance band
  • 15 shoulder presses, 10 lbs
  • 15 tricep dips
  • 15 tricep extensions, 10 lbs
  • 10 push-ups

It wasn’t the most intensive workout I’ve ever done, but it felt super good to lift something besides a baby. The jump rope was fairly easy, but I could feel my incision area from the c section pulling. Its not hurting now, so its ok to continue with the jump rope. I feel that I can up the intensity in my next workout. I was able to lift the 8 and 10 lbs fairly easily, so I guess my body remembers what I was doing beforehand. I had to listen to my doctor for a minute and take it slow, but y’all know me. I can’t take it slow forever. Now to find a gym in the area that has child care and we are golden! Yay for sweating again!

Stay sweaty, my friends!

Wacky Wednesday

So the AMA has come out and said that obesity is now considered a disease.  I’m not sure what to think of this, but I’m leaning toward, “Really? A disease? Come on now.” That is why I’ve put this in the Wacky Wednesday blog. 

I have too many thoughts about this, so I’m going to let you decide what you think. Here are some articles explaining. I’m inclined to roll my eyes at the whole situation.

Motivational Monday

So, I have to be honest. I have been slacking on the squat challenge. I had Little Man’s birthday last Wednesday and party on Saturday, so I’ve just been putting them off bc I’m too tired. Ahhh! EXCUSES! I hate excuses and will be picking up where I left off today. I realize every day life sometimes can get in the way of our health and fitness routines, but that’s when we have to try extra hard to stay healthy. Since my 32nd week of pregnancy, honestly, I’ve gotten lazy. I didn’t feel like eating right, and most days, still don’t. I’m not motivated to start working out yet, even though I was cleared last Wednesday, and ate so much birthday cake on Saturday. 

Well, that all ends TODAY. I cannot let myself use breastfeeding as an excuse to eat badly anymore, and I can’t be scared (c-section incision) to start working out hard again. I WILL finish the squat challenge, I WILL eat more green stuff, and I WILL be healthier starting today. These extra 10 pounds of baby weight will be coming off soon. I have a tough mudder race to dominate in October. These are my promises to you guys and to my family and to myself. 

What’s your fat trap? In other words, what’s your favorite excuse for not being the healthiest you can be? Mine is “I just had a baby and am breastfeeding, so I can eat whatever I want.” I’m hoping by being honest I can motivate you to be honest with yourself. Find your “fat trap” and figure out a way to get out of it. You can do it, even if you have to claw, kick, and scream to get out. 







Let’s do this.

Stay sweaty, my friends.

Motivational Monday

Good Monday morning to ya! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and got to celebrate with their father or father-like figure. Dads rock! I know Hubby is the best dad I could’ve found for my two boys. He’s amazing, even getting up to change a diaper at 2:30 am so I can sleep just a little bit longer until the 3am feeding.

Anyway….here is your motivation for the week. Guess what? I get released to workout on Wednesday! Woop woop! Besides my sons’ births, I’ve never been so excited to go to the doctor. My legs are already getting used to the squat challenge, so I’m ready to step it up a bit.


Thought this one was hilarious.

Thought this one was hilarious.



Stay sweaty, my friends!

Ouch my bum!

Day 3 of the squat challenge and my whole upper leg/butt region is sore! Yay! Yes, I am one of those crazies that enjoys being sore. It tells me that I worked something that hasn’t been worked in a while. Nothing on me has been really worked since week 30(ish) of pregnancy, so I’m grateful for some soreness. Now I haven’t officially been released to work out yet (come on June 19th!), but since this isn’t high intensity, just high in repetitiveness, I think it’ll be ok.

Don’t forget to warm-up before you start your squats. If you’re in an exercise routine already, just add them in sometime during your workout, but if you’re using them to kick-start your routine like I am, you’ll need to be warm before you start. I use my walk to Little Man’s school and back as my warm-up. Since its already near “hot as Hades” in Texas, my body is warm and my leg muscles are loose from walking. You can do anything that gets your body moving to warm up.

Today was the 3rd day, which meant 60 squats. I broke them up into groups of 20 and did the first 20 as a narrow squat, the second as a plie squat (for those lovely inner thighs that I’ve developed), and the last 20 as prisoner squats (so that I could engage my back…looking down at a nursing baby takes it’s toll on your neck).

So to sum up the first three days….yay for soreness!

Stay sweaty, my friends!

Squat challenge

To piggy back off of yesterday’s post, I’m going to start the squat challenge today. Like I said yesterday, I want something to kick start my desire to work out again, and I want to see if I can stick with it. I’ll check in every now and then and let y’all know if its worth it or not. Here goes nothin!



Stay sweaty, my friends!

Training Tuesday

Posting two days in a row? I must really be getting better after having this baby. 😉 

I’ve been seeing a lot of “challenges” over the internet recently, mostly on Facebook and Pinterest because those are the only places I visit. I’ve seen the squat challenge, the abs challenge, and the one the probably strikes fear into most hearts-the burpee challenge. Each of these month-long challenges require you to progressively increase the reps you do of a certain exercise, giving you a couple rest days throughout the month. I’m sure you’ve seen them. The question is, are they worth it? Is it worth getting to the last day of the burpee challenge and doing 100 burpees? I would answer yes, as long as you aren’t wanting to see crazy results, or wanting to spot reduce fat in a certain place.  You might see improvement in things like your ability to do cardio, or your butt might be a little firmer, or your abs might be slightly tighter, but you won’t be able to run a marathon, beat Apollo Ono in a leg competition, or shame Jessica Biel into hiding her stomach.  And just so you know, you can’t spot reduce fat….fat comes off wherever the heck it wants to. In my case, my boobs are the first to go (TMI? haha). Just because you’re doing 100 sit-ups doesn’t mean you’re burning the fat in your tummy. 

If you’re using the challenge to kick start your workout journey or challenge yourself to complete something that’s super hard, then I say go for it! I’m actually about to start the squat challenge, myself. I know I’m not going to see major results (especially if I don’t add heavy weight), but I haven’t worked out in a while, and I feel the need to be consistent with something. I can’t do the ab one b/c of the c-section, and 100 burpees just sounds masochistic to me….and I happen to love burpees. 

In conclusion, if you feel the need to do one of these challenges, DO IT! Don’t slack at it, finish it, and you’ll feel super accomplished. Just don’t be pissed if you don’t see the results you were expecting. Clean eating, heavy lifting, and consistent cardio will help you out with those results.

Stay sweaty, my friends!!

PS…check out my FB page if you haven’t already.  

Motivation Monday

I thought I would start the Motivation Monday blogs again. I am in need of some motivation to start eating right again…why are you needing motivation? Sometimes we just get complacent in our current situation and need a kick in the pants to get us up and going again. I hope you have a marvelous Monday!



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Stay sweaty, my friends!


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