Love Out Loud

Love yourself. Love Others. Love Fitness.

Archive for the month “September, 2013”

Training Tuesday

If you read my blog yesterday, you’ll know that I am doing Jamie Eason’s Live Fit Trainer. It is a 12 week strength training program by fitness expert and model, Jamie Eason. She gives you the workouts, and you do them. She gives you the meal plan, and you eat it. She even has recipes and a list of “clean” foods for you to use. She starts out by building your muscles’ endurance, then goes to building the muscle. At first, its just weights, then she moves to plyos and cardio with weights. You can seriously change your body if you follow her program. You can find it at

If its not something that you want to try, has so many programs, exercises, recipes, pretty much anything pertaining to fitness. Whatever you’re looking for, you’ll probably find it there. Go check it out.

9/9/13 Workout…LEGS

Today is Baby Boy’s 4 month bday! Four months and I am one pound away from being my “pre-baby” weight. Woohoo. I am still seven pounds away from being my “pre-hubby-comes-home-from-Afghanistan” weight, but it’ll get there. For the last two weeks, I’ve been doing Jamie Eason’s Live Fit Trainer. If you’ve never heard of this, you need to check it out. Its for gals and guys. Head over to and you’ll find it. She tells you what exercises to do, what days to rest, what to eat, the whole nine yards. I haven’t been following the eating plan to a “t,” but I’m getting as close as I can. I still need extra calories because I’m still nursing Baby Boy.  Today was leg day and I literally can barely walk up my stairs. LOVE IT. Here is a glimpse at what I did:

  • Leg extension machine, 3×10, 60 lbs
  • Wide stance squat, 3×10, 95 lbs
  • Barbell walking lunges, 3×10, 40 lb barbell
  • One legged barbell deadlift, 3×10, 30 lbs
  • Leg curl machine, 3×10,  40 lbs
  • Standing calf raises, 3×10, 40 lb barbell

I was lucky that I could walk out of the gym. I almost had to have someone help me carry Baby Boy’s carrier to my car. If you’re curious about this program, I’ll explain more tomorrow in Training Tuesday, or you can just check it out for yourself. I love it because it is all about building muscle, and you control your own weights, so if you don’t want to lift heavy (which I don’t know why you wouldn’t), you don’t have to. Remember ladies, you will not get bulky if you lift heavy. In order to look like a body builder, you have to train and eat like a body builder. Do not let this fear keep you from the sexy, lean muscles that you can have!!! 

Stay sweaty, my friends!

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